Tree In Fog, Springfield, Massachusetts
Aspen Patterns, Boulder Mountain, Utah
After The Forest Fire, Yellowstone National Park
Aspens, Yosemite National Park
Buckeye Trees
Cathedral Of Trees, Central Park, New York
Dead Tree, Hatteras Island, North Carolina
Forest Regrowth, Yosemite National Park
Live Oak, Vero Beach, Florida
Sequoia And Sapling
Tree In The Snow, Springfield, Massachusetts
Tree In Snow, Longmeadow, Massachusetts
Tree Roots, Chole Prison, Tanzania
Tree, Springtime, Eastern Shore, Maryland
Tree Remnants, Mammoth Hot Spring, Yellowstone National Park
Trees In Fog, Springfield, Massachusetts
Trees In Snow, Bryce Canyon National Park
Cottonwoods, Canyonlands National Park
Raven In Tree, Yellowstone National Park
Burned Tree Stump, Yosemite National Park
Live Oaks Dancing
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